OPENING: JUNE 6th 2022, 7 – 10 p.m. | FINISSAGE: June 26th 2022, 4 – 7 p.m.

From left side from left to right: Gregor Hildebrandt, Nuria Fuster, Anca Munteanu Rimnic, Chloë Saï Breil-Dupont,
Front side from left to right: Nuria Fuster, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Chloë Saï Breil-Dupont

Left side,from left to right: Stephan Hüsch, Miguel Rothschild Front side from left to right: Ulrike Buhl, Gregor Hildebrandt, Miguel Rothschild, Ulrike Buhl, Simon Hehemann
Top left: Gregor Hildebrandt | underneath: Nuria Fuster | on the board: Anca Munteanu Rimnic and Chloë Saï Breil-Dupont

From left to right: Nuria Fuster, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Chloë Sai Breil-Dupont

Left side, from left to right: Stephan Hüsch, Miguel Rothschild | Right side from left to right: Ulrike Buhl, Gregor Hildebrandt, Miguel Rothschild, Ulrike Buhl, Simon Hehemann
Left side, from left to right: Stephan Hüsch, Miguel Rothschild, Ulrike Buhl, Gregor Hildebrandt | Right side, from left to right: Miguel Rothschild, Ulrike Buhl, Simon Hehemann

The ECHOS exhibition combines works that deal with mirroring and appearances, duplication, (self-) reflection and the echo of the past.
The subject is also reflected in its presentation. Works from different artists, no matter the technique, are shown as virtually belonging together, opening up additional and unexpected aspects and association spaces.
The exhibition contains:
A dialogue with a psychoanalytical computer program from 1969 (‘Eliza’ by Anca Munteanu Rimnic).
A painted portrait of a woman who is holding memories and fictitious events in her hands on image blocks (‘Noli me tangere – Portrait by Leïla’) and the painted picture of a hand deciphering a message using the Lorm alphabet for the deaf and blind (‘Cassette 173’ by Chloë Saï Breil-Dupont).
A self-portrait reflected in magnetic tapes (‘EGO Gregor’) and a film still from ‘The Three Musketeers’ with Lana Turner as Milady de Winter, running a fragment of a magnetic tape through her hand on which a verse by Georg Trakl is recorded: ‘Winter has come behind the hill’ (by Gregor Hildebrandt).
A photograph of stars that only begin to sparkle and glow through the multiple fragmentation of the glass superimposed on every single star (‘La noche estrellada’) and a photograph of a reflection in water, viewed through another reflection in the frame and through structured glass (‘Heiligensee’ by Miguel Rothschild).
A photograph of a picturesque still life with a car mirror (from the ‘Chrono-matter’ series by Nuria Fuster) and another photograph by her, showing an alleged mirror reflection without a mirror of a real hand and a painted hand cut out of a theater poster.
A picture through a magnifying glass with a drawing crumpled into a ball suspended before an ink drawing (‘Blind sight’ by Simon Hehemann) and other drawings of crumpled, painted balls.
An illusion of a glass pane standing in a corner (‘2D – 3D, No. I’ by Stephan Hüsch).
An amorphous black relief that reflects the viewer (‘Searching the light, #6’) and an also-reflective amorphous sculpture (‘Implosion 1 #1’ by Ulrike Buhl).
A photograph of a setup with a mirror on a fox’s territory in which a fox seems to be looking at its reflection (from the ‘Fuchsen’ series by Wiebke Maria Wachmann).
VILLA SCHÖNINGEN | Berliner Straße 86 | 14467 Potsdam
March 19th 2022 – June 5th 2022
CURATORS: Sonia González, Gregor Hildebrandt

The blank page of a book as a new beginning, a white dove as a symbol of peace, Buddhist monks wearing white in mourning. Purity, innocence, infinity, perfection, quiet, emptiness, cool. Rarely is any colour as laden with meaning as the colour white.
Blanc de Blancs – connoisseurs of wine use this term for a white wine pressed exclusively from white grapes. Blanc de Blancs also refers to the complex significance of this colour.
Snow falls behind the mountains, an exhibition curated by Berlin artist Gregor Hildebrandt in Copenhagen, serves as the starting point for Blanc de Blancs, to which Villa Schöningen added several other artistic positions. From 19 March to 8 May 2022, Villa Schöningen presents 54 works of art by 38 contemporary artists. As much as these works differ from one another, they all share one formal criterion: they engage with the colour white. With this achromatic colour that signifies not only reduction but complexity. (read more…)
(Snow falls behind the mountains)
Curated by Gregor Hildebrandt
Opening November 25th 2021
November 25th – January 25th 2022
Artists: Bernard Frize, Gabriel de la Mora, Raimund Girke, Caro Jost, Robert Ryman, Manfred Pernice, Johannes Albers, Jorinde Voigt, Chris Succo, Gerold Miller, Alicja Kwade, Manuel Kirsch, Gerd Rohling, Björn Dahlem, Andi Fischer, John Torreano, Karin Sander, Lynda Benglis, Gregor Hildebrandt, Milen Till, Anselm Reyle, John Bock, Axel Geis, Olaf Metzel, Michael Sailstorfer, Matthias Bitzer, Erik Schmidt, Olivia Berckemeyer, Isa Melsheimer, Jürgen Krause, Amélie Esterházy, Thomas Zipp, Florian Meisenberg, Wiebke Maria Wachmann and Leiko Ikemura
The exhibition curated by Gregor Hildebrandt will feature a variety of international artists and all works will be in shades of white.

From left to right: Raimund Girke, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Gregor Hildebrandt, ©Avlskarl Gallery

©Avlskarl Gallery
Bredgade 28
1260 Copenhagen K
September 24th – 26 th 2021
Umspannwerk Reinickendorf
Breitenbachstrasse 32
13509 Berlin
FBZ Art Award 2021 | Shortlist
My work ‚Fuchsen‘ is nominated for FBZ artprize!!!
The works of 12 artists were selected from over 350 applicants.
May 12 – July 8, 2021
Due to the covid restrictions, visits only by appointment [+49 234 – 32 28178]
FBZ | Bochumer Fenster | Massenbergstraße 9- 13 | 44787 Bochum
FUCHSEN – Photographs of minimal interventions in a fox area on a
construction site in the middle of Berlin.

FUCHSEN (here: mirror foil, lamps, fox) | Fine Art Print | 150 x 115 cm | 2020

FUCHSEN (here: fox sculpture, fox) | Fine Art Print | 65 x 65 cm | 2020
FUCHSEN (here: fox sculpture) | Fine Art Print | 27 x 27 cm | 2020
FUCHSEN | Fine Art Print | 65 x 53 cm | 2021
—The auction is canceled due to the pandemic situation !!! —
Round Table 5 [Charity art auction]
November 6, 2020
Reconstruction of the painting The Sea of Ice by Caspar David Friedrich [Pigment Print, 79 x 127 cm]
will be auctioned at Round Table 5.
Round Table 5 | Classic Remise Berlin | Wiebestraße 36 – 37 | 10553 Berlin
September 14 – October 25, 2020
Pavillon am Milchhof | Schwedter Straße 232 | 10435 Berlin
Alles k/ein Zufall
Frise | Arnoldstrasse 26-30 | 22765 Hamburg
opening reception: September 4, 2020, 7 p.m.
September 5 -7, 2020,
Berthold Bock | Beate Spitzmüller | Maruska Mazza | Regina Mielich | Manfred Fuchs | Andreas Knäbel | Silvia Nettekoven | Lindy Annis | Anne Katrin Stork | Rita Wesiak | Marc Haselbach | Marcus Wittmers | Torsten Prothmann | Peter Scior | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Elisabeth Sonneck | Inken Reinert | Frauke Menzinger | Jutta Scheiner
—The festival is canceled due to the pandemic situation !!! —
Gelände der ehemalig Preussischen Nationaldestillerie
Provinzstraße 44
13409 BERLIN
Mein Haus
This exhibition was funded by Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung.
opening reception: November 9, 2019, 7 p.m.
November 9 – 17, 2019
Pavillon am Milchhof | Schwedterstraße 232 | 10435 Berlin
CICA Museum
196-30, Samdo-ro, Yangchon-eup
Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea 10049
March 8 – 24, 2019
NEXT IMAGE – The Past of the Future
Daegu Photo Biennale
Daegu Arts Center
201 Gongwonsunhwan-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu, South Korea (42672)
September 7 to October 16, 2018
NEXT IMAGE is an expression used by Henry Cartier-Bresson, a legendary figure in modern photography, to define the attributes of photography and cinema. He noticed that the 24 images in 1 second always go toward ‘Next’ but soon disappear and become ‘Past’. The basic attributes of photographs always capture ‘Present’, but the situation in the photograph immediately becomes ‘Past’. While considering how to implement the theme of “The Future of Photography” as an exhibition, we decided to borrow this title “NEXT IMAGE” and chose “The Past of the Future” as a subtitle to support the exhibition concept more effectively. [read more]
Ngorongoro II
Lehderstraße 34
13086 Berlin
April 26 – 29, 2018
Curated by Christian Achenbach, Jonas Burgert, Zhivago Duncan, Andrej Golder, John Isaacs, Andreas Mühe, David Nicholson
Face à Face
Atelier au bout der la calle, Lorient, Frankreich
artist: Berthold Bock | Heike Gallmaier | Marc Gröszer | Jan Gottschalk | Frauke Menzinger | Torsten Prothmann | Carlos Silva | Marcus Wittmers | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
SCHLOß WERDENBERG | Schloßweg | Städeli Werdenberg | Kanton St. Gallen | SWITZERLAND
Opening: June 2th 2017
Exhibition | June 3rd – 11th 20117
[more information coming soon]
Kunstverein Schloß Untergröningen
May 7 – July 23 2017
Artists: Axel Anklam | Ann Aspinwall | Wolfgang Betke | Ulrike Buhl | Jürgen Drescher | Sven Drühl | Edite Grinberga | Sabine Gross | Hoischen Mark | Marc Jung | Katrin Kampmann | Markus Keibel | Isabel Kerkermeier | Jeewi Lee | Sarah Lüdemann | Ernie Luley Superstar | Jan Muche | Sebastian Neeb | Pietro Sanguineti | Wiebke Maria Wachmann

Warten auf bald | 2016| 70 x 50 x 26 cm | Acryl | div. Mat | LED
Stefanie Hillich | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Opening: Friday, December 9 | 2016 | 7 – 9 p.m.
Exhibition: December 10 – 23 2016
Th – Fr 3 – 7 p.m. | Sa 2 – 6 p.m. and on appointment
Scotty Enterprises | Oranienstraß

Light plays an important role in Stefanie Hillich’s scenes.
The subjects of her pictures are substantial, presenting what seems to be everyday-situations. She generates a mood, a feeling that one cannot escape from, while playing with the subconscious. Sometimes melancholy, surreal, usually peculiar, with a subtle shift towards the grotesque, her images are characterised by refracted colours. Her view of what she shows us is characterised by a fine sense of humour. The subjects, some of which are reminiscent of theatre stages, are presented with a variety of painting methods.
Wiebke Maria Wachmann presents auratic-appearing light boxes in which a house on a hill, seeming like a figment of imagination, a fairy-tale landscape is shrouded in mist, a view from a window breaks up the nothingness behind it with shutters folding like wings. Light – from weakly shimmering to glaring. The well-known motives, the house, the hill, the landscape, the window – with their familiarity subtly withdrawn from them.
Michaela Nolte: […] „Wiebke Maria Wachmann’s rooms seem filled with latent images that call up vague visualisations, conditions of memory. Marcel Proust equates the appearance of a memory in the mind with the development of a photographic plate that has long been exposed but only contains a latent image until the moment of development. – Doubt, surrounding Wachmann`s work like a fragile sheet of ice, becomes a single certainty. […].“
The exhibition „SCHEIN“ thus uses images of a suggestive presence to dazzle, believe, and doubt.
Curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch (MOMENTUM), Constanze Kleiner, David Szauder
Heaven (Tree: resin | HMI spot)
Friday 4th March 2016, 9pm – late
Kino International Karl Marx Allee 33, 10178 Berlin
Entry free until 11pm. 6 Euros after 11pm. Party from 10pm
‘Ganz Grosses Kino’ is a common expression in German slang – a description of any dramatic event, on or off the screen, often used ironically as a mockery of the theater of daily life. It is also an exhibition of art from elsewhere, about otherness, on the move to somewhere else. ‘Ganz Grosses Kino’ is a response to living in an age of displacement and distraction in a city perpetually rebuilding itself, ever evolving into somewhere else.
Artists: Qiu Anxiong, Andreas Blank, Nicky Broekhuysen, Nezaket Ekici, Thomas Eller, Theo Eshetu, Amir Fattal, Annika Glass, Paula Godinez, Mariana Hahn, Constantin Hartenstein, Olaf Holzapfel, Jarik Jongman, Gülsün Karamustafa, Hannu Karjalainen, Ola Kolehmainen, Peter Krauskopf, David Krippendorff, Jan Kuck, Via Lewandowsky, Joep van Liefland, Fang Lu, Sarah Lüdemann, Bjorn Melhus, Tracey Moffatt, Timea Oravecz, Stefan Rinck, Maik Schierloh, Varvara Shavrova, Gary Schlingheider, David Szauder & Anna Reka Baktay, Mariana Vassileva, Alexandra Vogt, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Clemens Wilhelm, Clara Winter
Ikono.TV presents in three film-playlists works by:
Botticelli, Böcklin, Bruegel, Caravaggio, Courbet, Delacroix, Dürer, C. D. Friedrich, Gericault, van Gogh, Goltzius, Goya, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Mayakowsky, Mondrian, Piranesi
MOMENTUM, ikonoTV, Bar Babette, Buildingscape, Bjørn Melhus & Kerstin Honeit (University of Kassel)
Cinema has always been a way of traveling without traveling – moving images move us. In an era of unprecedented mobility, life is becoming increasingly cinematic, as the fictions of the big screen blur into the realities of the daily news. Disaster scenarios with wars, bombs, disease, natural catastrophe, irrevocably rising sea levels. Is it Hollywood or CNN? Is art mirroring life or vise versa? [read more…]
While many struggle to survive, we, the fortunate, surf. We surf the web, the slipstream, the information age. We are constantly connected via smartphones iPads and apps; inundated with images, texts, and tweets; relentlessly bombarded with events, invitations, and offers. We live lives of perpetual motion from one piece of information to the next, from one opportunity to the next, and from one place to the next. Mobility – both geographical and social – not so long ago the privilege of the few – is now taken for granted as the entitlement of the majority. But as more and more people relocate, our open borders can sadly result in closing minds.
Throughout Europe, nationalism is on the rise; otherness exacerbated by openness. Borders increasingly open to the right few still snap shut to the many others. Historically having expelled millions, Berlin is still making up for it, reinventing itself as the go-to capital of the mobility age.
At the geographical center of Europe, Berlin acts as a vortex, sucking in the cool young things of art, fashion, media, music; professionals and tourists, migrant laborers and refugees. Berlin is a city of migrants where everyone is always from elsewhere, somewhere anywhere but here. It is a city of mobile people and moving images.
Berlin is a pit-stop in the race of upward mobility; a place in-between; an ideal stage for acting out the stories of otherness; a screen onto which to project our lives as we zoom past onto the next bright distraction in this era of impermanence.
‘Ganz Grosses Kino’ is an exhibition of art from elsewhere, about otherness, on the move to somewhere else. It is a co-curation by 3 Berlin-based curators – Rachel Rits-Volloch of MOMENTUM, Constanze Kleiner, and David Szauder, with contributions from ikonoTV, and students of Bjørn Melhus’s Virtual Realities class at Kassel University. It is a timeless exhibition of time-based art, placing the human dramas of the Old Masters alongside the digital dramas of our age.
From Caravaggio to the present, human dramas remain the same throughout the ages: war and disease, love and beauty, religious turmoil. These are the realities of life, the subject of art, and in this era of mass information and weapons of mass destruction, our global political context is the greatest Grosses Kino of all: Kino International!
Using the setting of this iconic movie theater to reflect on the theater of life and art in Berlin, ‘Ganz Grosses Kino’ is our response to living in an age of displacement and distraction in a city perpetually rebuilding itself, ever evolving into somewhere else.
Regis Center for Art (East) Quarter Gallery | Minneapolis
Opening Reception: March1, 5-7 pm
March 01 – 11 | 2016
405 21st Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455
Gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday | 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Artists: Andreas Koch, Madeline Stillwell, Peter Schiering, Lukas Leise, Beth Dow, John Fleischer, Xavier Tavera, Wiebke Maria Wachmann

Ateliergemeinschaft Milchhof
Samstag, 21.11.2015
14-20 Uhr offene Ateliers

Berthold Bock, Yaiza Camps, Mario Faltin / Daniela Titze, Manfred Fuchs, Heike Gallmeier, Jan Gottschalk, Marcel Grabsch, Marc Haselbach, Stefanie Hillich, Wojtek Hoeft, Misaki Kawabe, Werner Kernebeck, Andreas Knäbel, Carsten Koall, Jasmina Krupic, Maruska Mazza, Jörg Meemann, Frauke Menzinger, Regina Mielich, Silvia Nettekoven, Mirka Pawlik, Michalis Pichler, Mariel Poppe, Torsten Prothmann, Inken Reinert, Klaus Scheckenbach, Sira-Zoé Schmid, Peter Scior, Carlos Silva, Elisabeth Sonneck, Anne Katrin Stork, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Rita Wesiak, Marcus Wittmers, Julia Zimmermann u.a.
re:combine – Gallmeier, Gödde, Gerken, Hulten
Ateliergemeinschaft Milchhof e.V.
Schwedter Str. 232
10435 Berlin

Initiated by: Christian Achenbach | Jonas Burgert | Zhivago Duncan | Andreas Golder | John Isaacs | David Nicholson.
OPENING: April 30, 2015 | 2 pm – 12 pm
OPENING HOURS: May 1 – May 3 2015 | 10 am – 12 pm
For the period of Berlin gallery weekend and the first time in its history, the 5000 square meter studio spaces of Lehderstrasse 34 will host an incredibly diverse exhibition of paintings, sculpture, multi media, installation, film and photography, in which artists invite other artists to exhibit in the context of this studio environment, thus returning the viewer to the very place of art’s genesis.

above: Installation view, down: Details

ARTISTS: Christian Achenbach, Eman Ali, Maxime Ballesteros, Tjorg Douglas Beer, Benjamin Bergmann, Andreas Blank, John Bock, Michael Borremans, Clara Brörmann, Berlinde de Bruyckere, Jonas Burgert, Robert Capa, Mat Collishaw, Michael Conrads, Thierry de Cordier, Birgit Dieker, Rolf Gunter Dienst, Zhivago Duncan, Martin Eder, Ethnologica Africa, Damien Flood, Max Frisinger, Andreas Golder, Douglas Gordon, Maike Gräf, Gregory Green, Marc Gröszer, Asta Gröting, Amélie Grözinger, Philip Grözinger, Sabine Gross, Emma Grün, Chris Hammerlein, Axel Heil, Uwe Henneken, Anton Henning, Gregor Hildebrandt, Stefanie Hillich, Julius Hofmann, Christian Hoischen, Martin Honert, Norman Hyams, John Isaacs, Dionisis Kavallieratos, Ingolf Keiner, Henning Kles, Julia Krewani, Michael Kunze, Bertrand Lacombe, Pe Lang, James Lavelle, Jeewi Lee, Ana Lessing, Werner Liebmann, Marcin Maciejowski, Christian Megert, Dirk Meinzer, Björn Melhus, Polly Morgan, Ryan Mosley, Andreas Mühe, Ron Muek, Bruce Nauman, Tim Noble & Sue Webster, Lea Asja Pagenkemper, Manfred Pernice, Alexandra Ranner, Robin Rhode, Stefan Rinck, Julian Rosefeldt, Anri Sala, Michael Samuels, Moritz Schleime, Gregor Schneider, Dennis Scholl, Norbert Schwontkowski, Mario Schifano, Peter Scior, Santiago Serra, Anatoly Shuravlev, Pola Sieverding, Andreas Slominski, Ulrike Theusner, Nasan Tur, Herbert Volkmann, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Ralf Ziervogel, Thomas Zipp
studio space Achenbach-Burgert-Duncan-Golder-Isaacs-Nicholson LEHDERSTRASSE 34 | BERLIN 13086
The Black and White Key
Schau Fenster Raum für Kunst [Berlin]
OPENING: Friday, March 20, 7 pm
OPENING HOURS: March 20 – April 5, 2015
Works by: Wolfgang Betke, Ulrike Buhl, Sabine Groß, Marc Jung, Markus Keibel, Isabel Kerkermeier, Sebastian Neeb, Jennifer Oellerich, Pietro Sanguineti, Wiebke Maria Wachmann, Michaela Zimmer

Installation view „Schwahnen“
Schau Fenster Raum für Kunst | Lobeckstraße 11 | 10999 Berlin
Bar Babette [Berlin]
curated by Constanze Kleiner & Corinna Scheller
Opening: December 14, 2014 | 6 pm

Milchhof [Berlin]
Party with concert: 8 pm

Reconstruction of the “Wreck of Hope” by Caspar David Friedrich | Lightbox, 110 x 144 cm | 2014
Pavillon am Milchhof [Berlin]
Opening: Friday, July 2o, 2014 | 7 pm

Pavillon am Milchhof | Schwedter Str. 232 | 10435 Berlin
www.milchhofpavillon.de | pavillon@milchhof-berlin.d
in situ – ex situ
kunstraum pro arte [Hallein|Salzburg – Österreich]
Opening: October 10, 7.30 pm
Exhibition: October 11 – november 9, 2013
Works by: Berthold Bock | Saskia Buwert | Heike Gallmeier | Jan Gottschalk | Marc Grözser Marc Haselbach | Werner Kernebeck | Torsten Prothmann | Peter Scior | Carlos Silva | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Marcus Wittmers

kunstraum pro arte | Schöndorferplatz 5 | 5400 Hallein | Austria
Pavillon am Milchhof [Berlin]
Opening: June 15, 2013, 7 pm
© Design: Carlos Silva / RAL Alphabet
Der Plan: Analog zur Anzahl der Mitglieder wird die Wandfläche des Pavillons in 48 gleichgroße Rechtecke gerastert. Die entstandenen Flächen – Höhe x Breite ca. 75 cm x 136 cm – werden nummeriert und per Los an die teilnehmenden KünstlerInnen vergeben. Es werden nur so viele Felder „besetzt“, wie auch KünstlerInnen teilnehmen.
Pavillon am Milchhof | Schwedterstraße 232 | 10435 Berlin
at KARST [Plymouth | UK]
Curated by: Karen Roulstone & Andy Klunder
Exhibition: November 16 – December 2, 2012
Private View: Thursday 15 November, 7-9 pm
Gallery Open: Thurs,W: Fri, Sat, Sun : 11am – 6pm

Works by: Jo Bannon* | Samuel Cook | Peter Davis | Sarah King | Charlotte Knox –Williams | Hester Reeve | Gabrielle Llewellin | Peter Matthews | Barbara Nicholls | Minou Norouzi | Monica Valcarcel Saez | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
*Featuring special live one to one performances of “Exposure” by Jo Bannon on Saturday 24th November.
Screening of the documentation of the live performance will be available for the duration of the exhibition.
SPECULAR brings together the recent work of a diverse and exciting group of international artists who explore and challenge our understanding of the visual and phenomenal world. The exhibition’s title, Specular is an ambiguous term simultaneously suggesting the power of enhanced vision, far-reaching observation, reflection and insight, and the very opposite of those faculties, a lack of clarity, obscurity and deflection; a world of illusion and shadows, tricks of the light. This ambiguity of meaning presents the possibility that a view of the world, which celebrates and accepts uncertainty and obscurity as the natural order might paradoxically present a clearer and truer image of reality than one which seeks an objective certainty. …read more…
SPECULAR is a KARST external exhibition supported by Plymouth University.
KARST | 22 George Place | Stonehouse | Plymouth, UK
NO.TOWN beyond the wall
Fifteen Berlin Artists in Detroit. Two decades after the fall of the Wall.
Curated by JAN-PHILIPP SEXAUER, based on an exhibition idea of HARTMUT AUSTEN & WIEBKE MARIA WACHMANN
Opening: Friday, March 30, 5 – 8 pm
Exhibition: March 30 – June 22, 2012
Works by: Jonas Burgert | Uros Djurovic | Gerrit Engel | Fabian Fobbe | Philip Grözinger | Eberhard Havekost | Gregor Hildebrandt | Tilman Hornig | Michelle Jezierski | Daniel Kannenberg | Alicja Kwade | Achim Riehtmann | Peter Scior | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Marcus Wittmers

Berlin and Detroit have quite a number of things in common. The most important one may be that both cities had large industries that have now mainly vanished. In Detroit, it was the automotive industry (Motown) with its long descent, in Berlin the loss of almost all the large companies by National Socialism, war and separation. This also created free spaces, emptiness and vacant areas, a special atmosphere of (supposed?) dreariness, as well as the option of invigorating and using the rooms. …read more…
No town catalogue.pdf
ELAINE L. JACOB GALLERY, 480 West, Hancock, Detroit MI 48201
An Exchange with Sol LeWitt
MASS MoCA – Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art
Exhibition: Jan 23, 11 am – Mar 31, 2011, 5 pm

MASS MoCA – Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art
87 Marshall St North Adams, MA 01247, USA
of opaque abscences
Pavillon am Milchhof [Berlin]
by Peter Scior & Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Opening: march, 23rd 2011, 7 pm
Exhibition: march 23 – april 5, 2011

(english version coming soon)
In der Ausstellung „of opaque absences “ stellt Wiebke Maria Wachmann Fotografien aus, deren Motive sie in ihrem Atelier gefunden hat: abgebaute Kulissenteile ihrer raumfüllenden Installationen, Reststücke, Verworfenes, Unfertiges. Zufällig abgestelltes Material gesellt sich zu teil-inszeniertem und halb-abgebautem. Ausgeleuchtet entstehen ungewohnte Stillleben: ein Glasscherbenhaufen erscheint auf den ersten Blick wie ein aus der Romantik stammendes Bild einer Eisberglandschaft. In einer Mischung aus Authentizität und Künstlichkeit vermischen sich in gleißendem Licht Scherben und Staub mit den Scheinwelten der abgebauten
Kulissen. …read more…
Pavillon am Milchhof | Schwedter Straße 232 | 10435 Berlin
KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz [Berlin]
Opening: June 10, 2011
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 2 – 8 pm
KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz | Gustav-Adolf-Str. 140 | 13086 Berlin
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Made in Berlin
Galerie Chybulski [Lyon]
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Ich Wicht
Kunstraum Potsdam [Potsdam]
curated by Dr. Catherine Nichols
Exhibition: September 19, 2010 – November 14, 2010
Werner Herzog | Cecil Hepworth | Vera Chytilová | Daniela Baldelli | Oliver van den Berg | André Butzer | Mikala Dwyer | Andreas Fischer | Jutta Geier | Göran Gnaudschun | Rolf Julius | Silke Eva Kästner | Frieda Knapp | Knut Kruppa | Axel Lieber | Ralph Müller | Miguel Rothschild | Albrecht Schäfer | Felix Schramm | Martin Städeli | Kerry Tribe | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Mark Wallinger | Moritz Wiedemann
Unter dem Titel ›Ich Wicht‹ präsentiert der Kunstraum Potsdam seine neueste Ausstellung zu Beginn des Kunstherbsts 2010. Mit einer anregenden Auswahl von fein nuancierten künstlerischen Arbeiten kreist die thematische Präsentation um das Verhältnis zwischen dem kindlichen und erwachsenen Ich; sie befragt die Figur des Kindes und der Kindheit als Topos, als ideelle Projektionsfläche, als Utopie. (…) ...more about Ich Wicht …
Vorhang (I) | Kunstharz| Installationsansicht links+ mitte im Atelier, rechts: Kunstraum Potsdam
Kunstraum Potsdam | Schiffbauergasse 6 | 14467 Potsdam | www.waschhaus.de
c:c4 Forum Internationaler Kunst
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Fraktale Exzerpt
Humboldt Umspannwerk [Berlin]
Opening: September 22nd, 2009, 5 pm
Exhibition: September 23 – 27, 2009, 2 pm – 10 pm
Works by: Matthias Deumlich | Sid Gastl | Ingolf Keiner | Alexandra Ranner | Wiebke Maria Wachmann

read: Fraktale Exzerpt.pdf
The aim of FRAKTALE is to conduct an independent discourse about the basic elements of human existence.
FRAKTALE focuses aesthetic debate on time-spanning phenomena, such as cycles, evolution, metaphysics.
It is essential to separate the ephemeral from the immortal.
Humboldt Umspannwerk – Kunstsalon, Berlin | Kopenhagener Str. 58 | 10437 Berlin
Light Space
refugium II [Berlin]
curated by Ralf Bartholomäus
Opening: June 12 | 2009
Exhibition: June 13 – July 18 | 2009
Works by: Jeongmoon Choi | Monika Goetz | Ilona Kalnónky | Antonia Low | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
refugium II | Kulturamt Mitte | Auguststraße 21 | 10117 Berlin
A Matter of Time by Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Kunstverein Ingolstadt
Exhibition: June 23 – August 5, 2007

(english version coming soon)
Rede von Dr. Peter Funken zur Ausstellungseröffnung
Die Künstlerin, die heute ihre neue, dreiteilige Arbeit in Ingolstadt vorstellt ist eigentlich eine Malerin – jedenfalls hat sie Malerei an der Berliner Universität der Künste studiert und sie legt auch Wert darauf, dass man ihre Arbeiten, die man – wie man hier sieht – durchaus auch als fotografische oder installative Werke bezeichnen könnte, im Sinne des Malens – aber mit anderen Mitteln und im Sinne einer Bildproduktion begreift. In ihrem Sinne begegnen uns in dieser Ausstellung drei Bilder, die ein einziges dreiteiliges Bild darstellen...weiterlesen…
Kunstverein Ingolstadt | Galerie im Theater Ingolstadt | Schlossgelände 1 | 85049 Ingolstadt
Intimacy & Alieanation
Museo para la Identidad Nacional [Honduras]
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Intimacy & Alieanation
Museo de Arte de El Salvador [San Salvador]
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Palast der Republik [Berlin]
curated by Jonas Burgert & Ingolf Keiner

Works by: Stefan Berchtold | Benjamin Bergmann | John Bock Jonas Burgert | Birgit Dieker | Harald Fuchs | Sid Gastl Andreas Golder | Christian Hahn Jörg Herold | Stephan Huber | John Isaacs | Ruprecht von Kaufmann | Ingolf Keiner | Herlinde Koelbl | Jörg Lange | Boris Nieslony | Alexandra Ranner | Tobias Regensburger | Rudolf Reiber | Anri Sala | Roman Signer | e.) Twin Gabriel | Oliver van den Berg | Wiebke Maria Wachmann

Fraktale IV – tod im Palast der Republik (english version coming soon)
Fraktale e. V. präsentiert vom 17. September bis zum 22. Oktober im Berliner Palast der Republik die Ausstellung „tod“. In der Sammelausstellung zeitgenössischer Kunst werden 25 Künstlerinnen und Künstler zu sehen sein, die ihre vielfältigen Interpretationen zum Phänomen Tod zeigen. In Gemälden, Installationen, Fotografien, Skulpturen und performativen Events nähern sie sich den Dimensionen des Todes – dem schein-bar Unfassbaren – von unterschiedlichster Seite. …more…

The installation „The clearing“ was kindly supported by:
Kunsthaus Essen
Exhibition: December 3, 2005 – January 15, 2006
Ulli Böhmelmann | Stefanie Pöllot | Michael Vorfeld | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Kunsthaus Essen | Rübezahlstraße 33 | 45134 Essen
From Sublime Spaces: The Apartment
Galerie rekord [Berlin]
Opening: March 5, 2005 | 6 pm – 9 pm
Exhibition: March 8 – April 2, 2005

Galerie rekord | Brunnenstraße 162 | 10119 Berlin
Für die Ewigkeit #2
[A painting exhibition with all gallery artists]
Galerie rekord [Berlin]
David Adam | Antje Blumenstein | Juliane Duda | Jana Franke | Katrin Hoffert | Lisa Junghanß | Matthias Kanter | Oliver Neumann | Cornelia Renz | Jenny Rosemeyer | Bodo Schlack | Wiebke Maria Wachmann

[Watercolors by Wiebke Maria Wachmann]
Galerie rekord | Brunnenstraße 162 | 10119 Berlin
rekord aus Berlin
Overbeck Gesellschaft | Kunstverein Lübeck [Lübeck]
curated by Marlies Behm
Opening: March 28, 2004, 12 am
Exhibition: March 28, 2004 – May 9, 2004, Tuesday – Sunday 10 am – 4.30 pm
Works by: Antje Blumenstein | Katrin Hoffert | Matthias Kanter | Cornelia Renz | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Exhibition opening speech: Dr. Peter Funken
Panel discussion with Claudia Wahjudi: April 23, 2004, 7 pm: „Positions of young art“
Kieler Nachrichten | “Still Searching For A Position” by Peter Holm
(…) The works on show are hardly world-beating; the artists around 30 years old apparently have yet to find their way, are still searching – except for Wiebke Maria Wachmann: in her floating bed installation, her radical use of the colour white and ingenious artificial lighting cancel out spatial perspective, transposing it onto two dimensions, creating a strangely remote atmosphere somewhere between hospital sterility and heavenly weightlessness. Perfect workmanship and no compromises are the order of the day here. The installation is integrated seamlessly into the exhibition space; even the skirting boards of the Overbeck Pavilion had to be moved in order to heighten the tension between voyeuristic curiosity and personal concern.
“Young Berlin Artists At Overbeck”
“Whole Days Between” is the title of an installation by Wiebke Maria Wachmann. She has divided off one area of the pavilion and created a separate space. Through a small window, one looks into a white-painted room, in the middle of which a bed appears to float. But not only the bed is floating: the hazy lighting makes the entire space appear to be in motion. An inspiring optical experiment.
Overbeck Gesellschaft / Kunstverein Lübeck
Königstr. 11, 23552 Lübeck
rekord II
Galerie rekord [Berlin]
Works by: David Adam | Antje Blumenstein | Juliane Duda | Jana Franke | Katrin Hoffert | Lisa Junghanß | Matthias Kanter | Oliver Neumann | Cornelia Renz | Jenny Rosemeyer | Bodo Schlack | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Galerie rekord | Brunnenstraße 162 | 10119 Berlin
space vol. I | David Adam & Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Galerie rekord [Berlin]
Opening: September 6, 2003, 7 pm
Exhibition: September 6 – September 20, 2003

Photograph/Invitation card (above): David Adam

In ihrer Zusammenarbeit für die Galerie rekord erkunden Wachmann und Adam diefließenden Übergänge zwischen Raum und Raumillusion. Wiebke Maria Wachmann konstruiert in ihren Raum-im-Raum-Installationen eine eigene und eigenständige Realität, deren Inszenierung und Architektur eine neue Unschärferelation von Raum und Zeit erfahrbar machen. David Adam sucht in seinen Fotografien eine Balance zwischen dem Referenziellen des Objektes und dessen Fiktion im Bild. …read more…
Galerie rekord | Brunnenstraße 162 | 10119 Berlin
special thanks to:
rekord I
Galerie rekord [Berlin]

David Adam | Antje Blumenstein | Juliane Duda | Jana Franke | Katrin Hoffert | Lisa Junghanß | Matthias Kanter | Oliver Neumann | Cornelia Renz | Jenny Rosemeyer | Bodo Schlack | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Die Programmatik der Galerie Rekord verbindet 12 innovative künstlerische Positionen, die sich in der Öffentlichkeit bereits profiliert und sich nun mit rekord eine eigene, unabhängige Plattform geschaffen haben. rekord erweitert den Galerienrundgang in Berlins Mitte/Nord und konfrontiert das etablierte Kunstgeschehen der Auguststraße mit neuen Positionen junger Kunst. rekord stellt alle Künstler in einer ersten gemeinsamen Gruppenausstellung vor, die einzelnen künstlerischen Ansätze werden sich in anschließenden Einzelausstellungen positionieren. rekord vertritt Kunst pluraler Ansätze und Arbeitsweisen, bietet ein kommunikatives Forum und versteht sich als Mittler neuer zeitgenössischer Strömungen.
Galerie rekord | Brunnenstraße 162 | 10119 Berlin
Priska C. Juschka Fine Art | New York
Exhibition: August 9 – August 31, 2002
Dan Asher, Nin Brudermann, Stuart Hawkins, Kyong Ho Ko, Daniel Mirer, Dean Monogenis, Massimo Vitali, Wiebke Maria Wachmann

The terrifying slickness of „Cool Times“, an exhibition of eight rising international artists at Priska Juschka Fine Art, rinses away the city grime but leaves the air crackling with electricity. Just like a massive cold front moving into the sultry city on a summer afternoon. Dan Asher’s photographic portraits of icebergs capture the beauty of these solemn white sentinels. Austrian Nin Brudermann also finds beauty in far-flung locales, but the subjects of her photos are sites of extreme human intervention. In a multimedia installation, Korean artist Ko Kyong-Ho distills a meditative moment into its most essential elements, while Stuart Hawkins, fresh from her solo exhibition at Priska Juschka Fine Art in May, presents photos from her „Rock, Scissors, Paper“ series.The empty corridors in Daniel Mirer’s photographs capture the cold poetry of functional interiors, and Dean Monogenis employs similar fragments of modern alienation in his colorful gouaches. Italian Massimo Vitali’s photographs, on the other hand, are jam-packed with people. As they swim and sun on Mediterranean beaches, these massive crowds seem oblivious to more than just the camera’s presence. Finally, German artist Wiebke Maria Wachmann, who exhibited at Priska Juschka last winter, unveils a new series of photographs that document her launch of a glowing moon replica over the Berlin night sky.
Priska C. Juschka Fine Art | 547 West 27th Street | NY-10001 New York | USA
fon 1 212 244 4320 | gallery@priskajuschkafineart.com
Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Sascha Benedetti
Exhibition of the Senate scholarship holder Berlin 2002
Kunstbank | Gallery of the senate of science, research and culture [Berlin]
Opening: October 4 2002 | 7 – 10 pm
Exhibition: October 7 – November 1, 2002 | Mon-Fri 2 – 6 pm
[View from outside into the Kunstbank gallery with the installation: „…and when the wind walked into the room, time stood still.“]

Kunstbank | Brunnenstraße 188 – 190 | 10119 Berlin
The installation: „… and when the wind walked into the room, time stood still.“ by Wiebke Maria Wachmann was kindly supported by:
Rassegna di Arte Contemporanea, Giovane Arte Berlinese, Villa Manin [Friuli Venezia Giulia]
Sebastian Bieniek | Jonas Burgert | Filo Art | Volker Gerling | Thilo Hammermeister | Sven Kalden | Ingolf Keiner | Armin Ketter | Markus Krieger | Susanne Lorenz | Enrico Marmsoler | Martin Reiter | Susanne Ring | Michael Sandien | Paolo San Martin | Marek Schovánek | Joachim Seinfeld | Wolfgang Spahn | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | René Wirths

View inside
Goethe Institut Inter Nationes | New York
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Goethe Institut Inter Nationes | 1014 Fifth Avenue | New York
SUBLIME SPACES by Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Priska C. Juschka Fine Art [New York]
Opening: Saturday Dec 8, 2001 6-9 pm
Exhibition: December 8, 2001 – January 28, 2002
Gallery hours: Thursday – Monday 12 – 6 pm or by appointment

Press release by Craig Garrett:
Berlin artist Wiebke Maria Wachmann uses the title „Ganze Tage Dazwischen“ to describe one of her striking installations at Priska C. Juschka Fine Art. The word „dazwischen“ refers to an in-between state of consciousness, neither dreaming nor wakefulness. Events in this state feel too eerie to be real, too familiar for a dream. It is the uncanny sensation felt upon entering a spotless white room, flooded with a perfect, colorless light. … (read more)

The exhibition has been kindly supported by: GOETHE INSTITUT, New York.

Mensch baut Mensch. Exhibition.
Pfefferberg [Berlin]
curated by Jonas Burgert & Ingolf Keiner
Exhibition: October 5 – November 4, 2001
Opening: October 5, 2001, 7 pm
Works by: Jonas Burgert | Birgit Dieker | Bernhard Draz | Ingolf Keiner | Markus Krieger | Wiebke Maria Wachmann

Das Konzept: FRAKTALE II Mensch baut Mensch. Sechs zeitgenössische Künstler zeigen Fraktale. Der Mensch greift ins evolutionäre Geschehen bis in die feinsten Strukturen ein. Der Prozeß der Selbsterfindung hat sich radikal beschleunigt. Die Wahrnehmung der eigenen Position im Zeitfluß ist nur durch Konzentration auf Fraktale möglich. Die Information des Zeitlosen kann in jedem Bruchstück der Wirklichkeit sichtbar gemacht werden. read more…

Stipendiaten-Ausstellung der Karl-Hofer Gesellschaft (*)
Künstlerwerkstatt Bahnhof Westend [Berlin]
Exhibition: September 29 – October 14, 2001
Wiking Bohns | Saskia Breitenreicher | Eva Castrignius | Bianka Craanen | Jens Uwe Dyffort | Alan Sean Gallagher | Erik Göngrich | Nataly Hocke | Katrin Hoffert | Pauline Kraneis | Reinhard Kühl | Peter Ojstersek | Mariel Poppe | Kristina Redeker | Angelika Elsa Schindler | Bernd Schwarting | Thomas Schwarz | Barbara Salome Trost | Erol Uysal | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Katja Wolf

*Katalog. (Der Katalog wurde ermöglicht durch DGZ | DeKa Bank | Deutsche Kommunalbank, Frankfurt am Main)
The Condominium
Villa Manin die Passariano, Friuli Venezia
more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Quergalerie, HdK, Berlin
Opening: May 17, 2001
Exhibition: May 18 – May 27, 2001
Exhibition speech: Dr. Philip Ursprung
Works by: Armin Bicker | Andrea Büttner | Sabine Fassl | Julia Antonia Großkopf | Gregor Hildebrandt | Anke Kalk | Jan Koch | Pauline Kraneis | Karoline Kroiß | Alicja Kwade | Marit Neeb | Katrin Peters | Michael Picke | Dirk Randolff | Silke Schmidt | Wiebke Maria Wachmann

Quergalerie | HdK | Hardenbergstraße 33 | 10623 Berlin
c:c4 | Forum Internationaler Kunst [Berlin]

special thanks to:

more information about this exhibition coming soon…
Festival of Vision
Berlin in Hongkong
Exhibition: November 4 – December 12, 2000
In Kooperation mit dem Goethe-Institut Hongkong beteiligte sich die aktions galerie im Jahr 2000 an dem „Festival of Vision“ in Hongkong.
In einem ersten Teil hatte das „Haus der Kulturen der Welt“ vom 29. Juli bis 10. September 2000 in einer Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen die Bandbreite zeitgenössischer Kunst aus Hongkong in Berlin gezeigt. Ab dem 4. November bis 12. Dezember 2000 wurde im Gegenzug unter der Federführung des Goethe-Instituts Hongkong im Rahmen des „Festivals of Vision“ aktuelle Berliner Kunst und Kultur in Hongkong vorgestellt. Unter anderen war die aktions galerie Berlin daran beteiligt.
„Das ‚Festival of Vision‘ war ein interkontinentaler Dialog zu Zukunftsvisionen urbaner Kultur. Das Festival verband zwei Städte, die sich in einer aufregenden Phase der Neuorientierung und des Umbruchs befinden. Die einstige Insellage sowie politische Umbrüche teilen Hongkong und Berlin ebenso wie die Auseinandersetzung mit Kapitalismus und Kommunismus / Sozialismus. Hongkong ist vor kurzem an China zurückgegeben worden. Man sprach auch dort von einer Wiedervereinigung. Ist Berlin die Brücke zwischen Ost und West, so will Hongkong das Eingangstor zu Ostasien sein. Kulturelle Vielfalt ist in beiden Städten die Grundlage für ein urbanes Lebensgefühl.
Das ‚Festival of Vision‘ beschränkte sich nicht auf die Präsentation der jeweils anderen Kunst und Kultur. Das Festival basierte auf einem zukunftsweisenden Konzept des internationalen Kulturaustausches, das den Dialog der Kulturen durch den Aufbau nachhaltiger Netzwerke vertiefen wollte. Das Programm wurde von zwei Institutionen in gleichberechtigter Kooperation konzipiert und organisiert: Dem Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture und dem Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Es zielte nicht nur auf die Intensivierung der kulturellen Kontakte, sondern bot Impulse zur Vernetzung von Kultur und Wirtschaft der beiden Städte.“ (Haus der Kulturen der Welt)
Mitwirkende Bildende Künstlerinnen und Künstler der aktionsgalerie:
Joachim Blank & Karl Heinz Jeron (Deutschland) | Noam Braslavsky (Israel) | Barbara Caveng (Schweiz) | Julia Diez (Argentinien) | FLAP Camilla Dahl & Berit Schweska (Norwegen / Deutschland) | Markus Krieger (Deutschland) | Sophie Lovell (England) | Bastiaan Maris (Niederlande) | Marit Neeb (Deutschland) | Christiane Roewer (Deutschland) | Marion Schebesta (Deutschland) | Iris Schieferstein (Deutschland) | Amelia Seymour (Kanada) | Chiharu Shiota (Japan) | Volker Sieben (Deutschland) | Uwe Trierweiler (Deutschland) | Mariana Vassileva (Bulgarien)
Nelson Vergara (Kolumbien) | Wiebke Maria Wachmann (Germany)
Art and articstic worlds
CROSSOVER No 3 – artists talk
during the 4.th Festival of young, experimental art
Postfuhramt [Oranienburger Strasse]
May 31, 2000, 8.30 pm
StadtKunstProjekte Berlin
curated by: Heike Catherina Müller
Opening: May 19, 2000, 7 pm
Exhibition: May 20 – June 18, 2000
Patron: Prof. Lothar Roamin
Bittermann & Duka | Saskia Breitenreicher | Bianka Craanen | Liz Crossley | Roswitha von den Driesch & Jens-Uwe Dyffort | Ulrike Feser | Erik Göngrich | Reinhard Grimm | Pauline Kraneis | Nikolas Theilegaard | Reinhard Kühl | Michael Laube | Susanne Lorenz | Richard Posner | Angelika Elsa Schindler | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Katja Wolf
Seidenspinnerei | Freiheit 12 a/b | 1255 Berlin
present representation | Z2000
Akademie der Künste | Netwerk Fehrbelliner Höfe
curated by c:c4 | Forum Internationaler Kunst in the context of Z2000 Positionen Junger Kunst und Kultur, Ilia Castellanos | Christian Kneisel
Exhibition: July 16, 2007 – August 20, 2000
Opening: July 15, 2000 | 7.30 pm
Works by: Lela Budde | Tim Coe | Roger Frank | Sven Kalden | Markus Krieger | Delphine Lefort | Sebastian Mayer | S.I.G. | Ralf Schreiber | Stefie Steden | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Piotr Wyrzykowski

Reconstruction of a birch-forest [Room installation: 25 sqm | 50 birch trees, painted white | Fluorescent light]
For the exhibition „present representation“ Wiebke Maria Wachmann reconstsructed a forest – a birch forest – as an apparently ideal place. Everything is white and submerged in a very bright, diffuse light. The birch trees appear to grow through the ceiling and walls. Because of the lighting, the shadows are very vague, resulting in a peculiar, unreal atmosphere; the concrete physical space is lost in the diffuse light and the dissolving shadows.
Catalogue: ExhibiZion Z2000
published by: Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH, dgv ISBN 3-91126-34-x
special thanks to:
Netzwerk | Fehrbellinerstr. 47 | 10119 Berlin
4. Festival junger, experimenteller Kunst | Postfuhramt Berlin
Exhibition: May 12 – June 12, 2000
Works by: Noam Bravslavsky | Barbara Caveng | Attila Csörgö | EIKE | Ho Siu-kee Mariann Imre | Sabine Jank | Ki-Heoun Jeoung | Martin Juef | Heinz Kasper | Karin Kerkmann | Julia Krewani | Reinhard Kühl | Tilman Küntzel | Antal Lakner | Ulrick Lepka | Ola Lewin | Holger Link | Kriszta Nagy | Németh/Land | Augusto Pacheco | Qiu Ping | Birgit Ramsauer | Iepe B.T. Rubingh | Cameron Rudd | Iris Schieferstein | Tereza Mazuela Sequeira | Jun Shiabata | Volker Sieben | Takahiro Suzuki | Uwe Trierweiler | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Peter Welz | Kai Zimmer
Das 4. Festival junger experimenteller Kunst „… und ab die Post 2000!“ fand vom 12. Mai bis zum 12. Juni statt. Mehr als 100 Bildende und Darstellende Künstler(-gruppen) verschiedener Nationalitäten, die in Berlin leben, stellten auf 2.000 Quadratmetern Ausstellungsfläche ihre Exponate und Darbietungen zum letzten Mal in den alten Gemäuern des ehemaligen Postfuhramts in der Oranienburger Straße vor. Neben der Präsentation in Berlin produzierter Kunst war ein weiteres Ziel, die Entwicklungen der jungen und experimentellen Kunst in anderen europäischen und außereuropäischen Metropolen zu zeigen. Beim diesjährigen Festival waren Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus Budapest und Hong Kong mit ihren Arbeiten vertreten. Neu im Programm waren wöchentliche Künstlergespräche mit prominenten Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaftlern.
Zur Bedeutung des Postfuhramtes für die Kunstszene in Berlin schrieb der künstlerische Leiter Johann Nowak im Programmheft:
„Im Rausch der Gentrifizierung Berlins nimmt das alte Postfuhramt an der Oranienburger Straße einen Sonderstatus ein. Ausstellungen, wie das seit vier Jahren stattfindende Festival ‚…und ab die Post!’ und die Berlin Biennale etablierten den historischen Ort zu einem Ausstellungsraum junger experimenteller Kunst, der internationale Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Die Eigenheit, die das Postfuhramt als Kunstraum entwickelt hat, ist auf das uneingeschränkte Engagement Kunst- und Kulturschaffender, sowie die Initiative öffentlicher und privater Sponsoren zurückzuführen, die die Verantwortung und das Potential der Kunst und des Ortes aktiv unterstützten. Im Kontext derzeitiger kulturpolitischer Entwicklungen benötigt der Erhalt des Postfuhramtes als Forum aktueller Kunst, sowohl die öffentliche Diskussion, als auch gesellschaftliches Engagement.“
Postfuhramt Berlin | Oranienburgerstraße 35 – 36 | 10117 Berlin
3. Festival junger, experimenteller Kunst
Postfuhramt Berlin
Exhibition: April 30, 1999 – May 16, 1999
Works by: Thomas von Arx | Christian Badel | Banana Lyte | Barndt/Thoma | Sebastian Bieniek | Blank & Jeron | Wiking Bohns | Noam Brawslawski | Laura Lee Bruce | Barbara Caveng | Julia Diez | eigen art | Barbara Eitel & Ralph Jandacka | Franziska Frey | Holly P. Ganser & Jan Mende Ginelli & Schmitz | Verena Graiff & Ralph Jandacka | Frank Benno Junghans | Karin Kerkmann | Laura Kikauka | Uli Lepka | Ola Lewin | Sophie Lovell | Ingrid Mwangi | Marit Neeb | Sheryl Oring | Jens Passoth | F.P.F. Rampazzo | Christiane Roewer | Iepe B.T. Rubingh | Joachim Schäfer | Marion Schebesta | Iris Schieferstein | Christian Schmid Chemnitzer | Amelia Seymour | Chiaru Shiota | Volker Sieben | Petra Stüben | Paola Telesca | Uwe Trierweiler | Nelson Vergara | Wiebke Maria Wachmann | Illja Chichkan | Oleksandr Gnylytsky | Illja Isupov | Kyril Protsenko | Alexandra Motria Zaja | Arahmayani | Krisna Murti
Das 3. Festival junger experimenteller Kunst „… und ab die Post 1999!“ fand vom 30. April bis 16. Mai ebenfalls im historischen Postfuhramt in der Oranienburger Straße in Berlin-Mitte statt. Über 100 bildende und darstellende Künstler waren mit ihren Werken vertreten: Malerei, Installationen, Konzerte, Performances, Theater- und Tanzaufführungen.
Zur Bedeutung dieses Festivals für die internationale Kunstszene schrieb der künstlerische Leiter Johann Nowak im Editorial des Ausstellungskatalogs:
„Berlin ist gegenwärtig ein exorbitantes Labor zwischen den Welten und Stühlen. In diesem Spannungsfeld und dem vielfach undefinierten und anfangs weitgehend unreglementierten Raum findet die internationale experimentelle Kunst ihre Entfaltungsmöglichkeiten und allgemeine Beachtung. Vorrangiges Ziel des Festivals ist es, Berliner Künstlern ein Forum zu geben. Um darüber hinaus die Entwicklungen der jungen experimentellen Kunst in anderen europäischen und außereuropäischen Metropolen zu zeigen sind in diesem Jahr Künstler aus Jakarta und Kiew vertreten.
‚…und ab die Post!‘ versteht sich als genreübergreifender Seismograph der Szene: Malerei, Installationen, Foto, Video, Performance, Tanz, Film, Musik und Theater treffen aufeinander und durchdringen sich, neue Verbindungen werden geschaffen. Die junge Kunst bezieht die erlebte Erfahrung ein und erfüllt gleichzeitig das klassische Bedürfnis nach Tiefe und Reflexion. Manches in ihr scheint sich einzufügen in die Tradition von Fluxus über PopArt bis zur Postmoderne, aber was sich wirklich abzeichnet, ist eine gelebte Verbindung von Sinn und Sinnlichkeit.“
Postfuhramt Berlin | Oranienburgerstraße 35 – 36 | 10117 Berlin
Meisterschüler der HdK | Berlin
Exhibition: December 11 – December 19, 1999, 3 – 8 pm
Finissage: December 19,1999, 7 pm
Special thanks to Markus Krieger [Manager of High Five]

Presse reaction: DIE WELT | Lisa Stocker
The exhibition was kindly supported by: Kulturamt Berlin Mitte

Works by: Birgit Dieker | Niki Elbe | Frieda Knapp | Jessika Miekeley | Wiebke Maria Wachmann
Exhibition: June 19, 1998, Tuesday – Friday: 6 – 9 pm Saturday & Sunday: 4 – 9 pm
Gormannstraße 5 | 10119 Berlin

Special thanks to Markus Krieger [Manager of High Five]
The exhibition was kindly supported by: